Calendar of upcoming retreats, workshops, lectures & trainings
Upcoming Events with Lynn Sparrow Christy
The Path of the Co-Creator
October 28-29-2023
A Presentation
At the 2023 Reincarnation Symposium: Expanding Consciousness
San Jose, CA
This entire event is available for both live and virtual participation.
What if the deepest meaning of your life is to be found
in nearly 14 billion years of evolution?
Lynn's session will explore the distinctive spiritual path that places our personal spirituality within the context of a wider purpose to bring awakened Spirit into matter. It is a path of co-creatorship that involves us in the development of not only our own lives, but also the cosmos, the biological world, and consciousness itself. But what does it really mean to co-create? With what or whom are we co-creating? How much power do we really have to change things? Is it true that we create our own reality, or is that just a New Age fantasy? What does modern science contribute to our understanding of the infinite field of possibilities? Does the law of attraction work? And, more pointedly, why does it so often seem not to work?
In this online event, we will:
Look at why the radical jump from “spiritual evolution” to “evolutionary spirituality” matters to our world.
Consider the part we play in the evolution of consciousness.
Explore the profound difference between fixed expectations and a state of open expectancy.
See why all visualization practices are not the same.
Uncover the sabotaging impact of unconscious intentions.
Work with a step-by-step method for co-creating with the infinite field.

Co-Creating Your Life: Tapping the Field of Infinite Possibilites
This event is now complete.
You can access a video recording of it using the link below.
September 25, 2019
A Free Event
Part of the Conscious Community Series
Sponsored by the A.R.E. Bookstore
This event will take place in A.R.E.'s auditorium and will also be streamed on A.R.E.'s Facebook page.
We are told in the Cayce readings that the purpose of each soul is to be a co-creator with God. But what does that really mean? How much is up to us and how much is up to God? Is it true that we create our own reality? What does modern science contribute to our understanding of the infinite field of possibilities? Does the law of attraction work? And, more pointedly, why does it so often seem not to work?
In this session, we will:
Explore the profound difference between fixed expectations and a state of open expectancy.
Consider the part we play in the evolution of consciousness.
See why all visualization practices are not the same.
Uncover the sabotaging impact of unconscious intentions.
Work with a step-by-step method for co-creating with the infinite field.
Edgar Cayce was truly a pioneer in his approach to the evolutionary, co-creative responsibility we each have. Lynn has worked with this material for decades and loves to share it in presentations that include key insights and practical takeaways.
Versions of these Past Events Can Be Presented to Your Group as Either Live or Virtual Experiences.
Evolutionary Spirituality: Co-Creating with the Field of Infinite Possibilities
A Presentation to the Central Virginia Institute of Noetic Sciences
Community Group -- Open to the Public
What if the deepest meaning of your life is to be found in nearly 14 billion years of evolution? This lecture/workshop is about the distinctive spiritual path that places our personal spirituality within the wider context of collective evolution. It is a path of co-creatorship that involves us in the development of not only our own lives, but also the evolution of the cosmos, the biological world, and consciousness itself. But what does it really mean to co-create? With what or whom are we co-creating? How much power do we really have to change things? Is it true that we create our own reality, or is that just a New Age fantasy? What does modern science contribute to our understanding of the infinite field of possibilities? Does the law of attraction work? And, more pointedly, why does it so often seem not to work? In this session, we will:
Look at why the radical jump from “spiritual evolution” to “evolutionary spirituality” matters to our world. ï‚·
Consider the part we play in the evolution of consciousness. ï‚·
Explore the profound difference between fixed expectations and a state of open expectancy. ï‚·
See why all visualization practices are not the same. ï‚·
Uncover the sabotaging impact of unconscious intentions. ï‚·
Work with a step-by-step method for co-creating with the infinite field.
Practical Tools for Balancing Your Energy, Daily Responsibilities, Life Situations, & Stress
A Private Lecture-Workshop
for Prof. Beverly George's Positive Psychology Class
Old Dominion University
Cooperation: A Deeper Look at The Foundation of Edgar Cayce’s A Search for God
A Private Lecture
Prepared for a Delegation of Visiting Japanese Members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment
Transforming Your Karma: Expanding the Influence of Grace in Your Life.

Karma. The Law of Attraction. “Thoughts are things.” “Like begets like.” “What you sow, you will reap.” “God is love.” “What you give comes back to you.” Grace. These are examples of universal laws that govern everything we will ever experience in this life and in lives to come. Yet what do we really know about them? And how practical is our understanding of these great laws? Can we work with them in a way that makes a difference in the quality of our lives?
This highly interactive experience will delve into the wealth of information in the Edgar Cayce readings as well as Hindu thought regarding the action of universal law in its manifestation as karma and its ever-present influence as grace. With a focus on application to real situations in your own life, it will be an opportunity for you to work intentionally toward greater harmony of your consciousness, priorities and behavioral choices with universal law – the true “secret” to happiness, peace and wellbeing.
This course, designed to help you step into the flow of grace, will explore such questions as:
Is it possible to change our karma?
If karma is the immutable law of cause and effect in our lives, then where does grace come in? Is it a random “get out of jail free card,” or is it, too, an immutable law, with which we can learn to cooperate?
How do we unwittingly shut grace out of our experience?
Is there any such thing as “bad karma?”
How can we learn to better predict the karmic outcomes of our choices and use that to live more grace-fully?
Is it ever too late to transform our karmic destiny?​
​Along the way, there will be an opportunity to identify of karmic patterns in the longer timeframe of your soul’s history and learn how to constructively work with them. But this is not simply an inward-turned focus on self’s experiences, challenges and triumphs: it will also be an opportunity to deepen your connection with God and with others and to enhance your presence as one who helps bring more grace into the world at a time of great need.
Deepen your sense of meaning and purpose as you embrace the unique opportunity that this incarnation represents.
The fact that you are alive and spiritually aware at this time is a direct invitation to join those who choose to consciously engage the evolutionary drive in their own daily experience.
Conscious Evolution: Co-Creating with Spirit to Change the World

Are you here to “outgrow” the earth plane or to help fulfill the purposes of creation itself? Your answer to that question will have great impact on the opportunities and energies you attract into your life. This course offers an in-depth look at how, when we embark on the distinct path of the conscious co-creator, our own growth becomes the natural byproduct of our choice to participate in the evolution of the cosmos, the biological world, and consciousness itself. At this crucial time in history, we may be tempted at times to feel powerless. Yet when we co-create with Spirit to change the world, incarnation provides a unique opportunity to bring expanded consciousness into our thoughts, our bodies, and the world around us, thus furthering the ongoing evolutionary advance.
This workshop will provide both a framework of understanding and an assortment of practical experiences that make the evolutionary path of the co-creator quite real, with clear steps to implementation. During our time together you will:
Explore the evolutionary drive and the destiny of the soul.
Tackle the challenge of growing beyond the small self’s control of our perceptions and daily choices.
Shape a co-creative path based on the Cayce readings’ time-tested advice.
Practice forms of meditation that work even when you feel like you can’t quiet your mind.
Gain new perspective on the problems and setbacks of life, as well as a liberating understanding of your own limitations.
Managing Staff Well-Being & Workplace Environment
In-House Training for the Staff of a Therapeutic Services Company
Practical Tools for Managing Your Energy and Your Stress
Energy Fields and Mirror Neurons: The Interconnected Web of Emotional States in the Workplace
Invite Lynn to Speak:
Lynn Sparrow Christy is an experienced presenter who has been invited to speak all over the world. She can provide customized presentations that range from a 20-minute introductory talk to week-long retreats. Presentation topics shown on this page are just a sampling of possibilities. See this page for additional topics. If you’re interested in inviting Lynn to speak to your small group, conference, or retreat, please call 757-491-3900 or use the contact form below to initiate the conversation. Topics, formats, and fees are all adjusted to fit your situation. Your contact information will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
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"I hate spam and I promise that I won’t
bombard you with emails or
share your address with anyone else."
~ Lynn ~

I have had the pleasure of being on the same program on several occasions with Lynn at venues on both the East and West Coast. She is the consummate professional in presenting material in an understandable and meaningful way.
James M.
Astronomer & author of 10 books on the science & spirituality of stargazing - Lewes, DE
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What People Are Saying
Discuss your conference needs with Lynn
Versions of these Past Events are Available for Your Group
Evolutionary Spirituality: Co-Creating with the Field of Infinite Possibilities
A Presentation to the Central Virginia Institute of Noetic Sciences
Community Group -- Open to the Public
What if the deepest meaning of your life is to be found in nearly 14 billion years of evolution? This lecture/workshop is about the distinctive spiritual path that places our personal spirituality within the wider context of collective evolution. It is a path of co-creatorship that involves us in the development of not only our own lives, but also the evolution of the cosmos, the biological world, and consciousness itself. But what does it really mean to co-create? With what or whom are we co-creating? How much power do we really have to change things? Is it true that we create our own reality, or is that just a New Age fantasy? What does modern science contribute to our understanding of the infinite field of possibilities? Does the law of attraction work? And, more pointedly, why does it so often seem not to work? In this session, we will:
Look at why the radical jump from “spiritual evolution” to “evolutionary spirituality” matters to our world. ï‚·
Consider the part we play in the evolution of consciousness. ï‚·
Explore the profound difference between fixed expectations and a state of open expectancy. ï‚·
See why all visualization practices are not the same. ï‚·
Uncover the sabotaging impact of unconscious intentions. ï‚·
Work with a step-by-step method for co-creating with the infinite field.
Practical Tools for Balancing Your Energy, Daily Responsibilities, Life Situations, & Stress
A Private Lecture-Workshop
for Prof. Beverly George's Positive Psychology Class
Old Dominion University
Cooperation: A Deeper Look at The Foundation of Edgar Cayce’s A Search for God
A Private Lecture
Prepared for a Delegation of Visiting Japanese Members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment
Transforming Your Karma: Expanding the Influence of Grace in Your Life.

Karma. The Law of Attraction. “Thoughts are things.” “Like begets like.” “What you sow, you will reap.” “God is love.” “What you give comes back to you.” Grace. These are examples of universal laws that govern everything we will ever experience in this life and in lives to come. Yet what do we really know about them? And how practical is our understanding of these great laws? Can we work with them in a way that makes a difference in the quality of our lives?
This highly interactive experience will delve into the wealth of information in the Edgar Cayce readings as well as Hindu thought regarding the action of universal law in its manifestation as karma and its ever-present influence as grace. With a focus on application to real situations in your own life, it will be an opportunity for you to work intentionally toward greater harmony of your consciousness, priorities and behavioral choices with universal law – the true “secret” to happiness, peace and wellbeing.
This course, designed to help you step into the flow of grace, will explore such questions as:
Is it possible to change our karma?
If karma is the immutable law of cause and effect in our lives, then where does grace come in? Is it a random “get out of jail free card,” or is it, too, an immutable law, with which we can learn to cooperate?
How do we unwittingly shut grace out of our experience?
Is there any such thing as “bad karma?”
How can we learn to better predict the karmic outcomes of our choices and use that to live more grace-fully?
Is it ever too late to transform our karmic destiny?​
​Along the way, there will be an opportunity to identify of karmic patterns in the longer timeframe of your soul’s history and learn how to constructively work with them. But this is not simply an inward-turned focus on self’s experiences, challenges and triumphs: it will also be an opportunity to deepen your connection with God and with others and to enhance your presence as one who helps bring more grace into the world at a time of great need.
Deepen your sense of meaning and purpose as you embrace the unique opportunity that this incarnation represents.
The fact that you are alive and spiritually aware at this time is a direct invitation to join those who choose to consciously engage the evolutionary drive in their own daily experience.
Conscious Evolution: Co-Creating with Spirit to Change the World

Are you here to “outgrow” the earth plane or to help fulfill the purposes of creation itself? Your answer to that question will have great impact on the opportunities and energies you attract into your life. This course offers an in-depth look at how, when we embark on the distinct path of the conscious co-creator, our own growth becomes the natural byproduct of our choice to participate in the evolution of the cosmos, the biological world, and consciousness itself. At this crucial time in history, we may be tempted at times to feel powerless. Yet when we co-create with Spirit to change the world, incarnation provides a unique opportunity to bring expanded consciousness into our thoughts, our bodies, and the world around us, thus furthering the ongoing evolutionary advance.
This workshop will provide both a framework of understanding and an assortment of practical experiences that make the evolutionary path of the co-creator quite real, with clear steps to implementation. During our time together you will:
Explore the evolutionary drive and the destiny of the soul.
Tackle the challenge of growing beyond the small self’s control of our perceptions and daily choices.
Shape a co-creative path based on the Cayce readings’ time-tested advice.
Practice forms of meditation that work even when you feel like you can’t quiet your mind.
Gain new perspective on the problems and setbacks of life, as well as a liberating understanding of your own limitations.
Managing Staff Well-Being & Workplace Environment
In-House Training for the Staff of a Therapeutic Services Company
Practical Tools for Managing Your Energy and Your Stress
Energy Fields and Mirror Neurons: The Interconnected Web of Emotional States in the Workplace
Invite Lynn to Speak:
Lynn Sparrow Christy is an experienced presenter who has been invited to speak all over the world. She can provide customized presentations that range from a 20-minute introductory talk to week-long retreats. Presentation topics shown on this page are just a sampling of possibilities. See this page for additional topics. If you’re interested in inviting Lynn to speak to your small group, conference, or retreat, please call 757-491-3900 or use the contact form below to initiate the conversation. Topics, formats, and fees are all adjusted to fit your situation. Your contact information will not be shared or used for any other purpose.
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Please add me to your email list to receive periodic updates concerning articles, workshops, and optional downloads as they become available.
"I hate spam and I promise that I won’t
bombard you with emails or
share your address with anyone else."
~ Lynn ~